To the Question of Ethnic Stereotypes in a Historical Imagologiya: Transformation of an Image of “Stranger” into image of “Enemy”
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To the Question of Ethnic Stereotypes in a Historical Imagologiya: Transformation of an Image of “Stranger” into image of “Enemy”
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In the article modern Russian literature on a problem of ethnic stereotypes in a historical imagologiya is analyzed. Special attention is paid on the concept of the researchers studying images of “Own”, “Others” “Strangers”. On the example of history of the Russian-British relations of the first third of the XVIII century the author aims to find out, in what way the image of “stranger” turns into an image of “enemy”; what prerequisites promote this process; as there is a similar transformation; how long or can be short-term it is the specified process; by what criteria it is possible to make idea of change of images; when a xenophobia appear? The specified problem, besides the methodological importance, differs in relevance in the light of the occurring events in Ukraine, and also we will worsen in connection with them to the relations with a number of the countries of the West.
cross-cultural communications, imagology, ethnic stereotypes, “national character”, images “Others”, “Strangers”, “Enemy”, xenophobia, Russia, Great Britain, XVIII century
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Additional sources and materials

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