Tools of Historical Scholarship and the Phenomenon of Human Security
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Tools of Historical Scholarship and the Phenomenon of Human Security
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The article examines the phenomenon of human security in the context of the methodology of history as an academic discipline. The definitions of traditional and nontraditional threats and dangers are suggested, the subject of matter is examined from the angle of security as a political concept at all. In the article the latter is interpreted as a basis for regulating the status of violence. Considered the genesis of the logic of the evolution and nature of humanitarian security. It is shown that after the Cold War a broad interpretation of security , was formed, it is based on mutual trust of states and on international law, which has revealed new perspectives for Security Studies, and led to the emergence of the concept of humanitarian security. The sovereignty of the individual and the state sovereignty emerged from the equilibrium state. Formulated understanding of humanitarian security in its pure form as a protection against existential threats (human security, safety of local worlds and communities, security interests of the person) and “mixed”: economic, food, health and so forth. In its “mixed” form humanitarian security is transformed into a humanitarian — social one. It is shown that for the historical reconstruction of the evolution of the concept of humanitarian security can be effective the principles of the history of concepts (Begriffsgeschichte) of Reinhard Koselleck, the theory of conceptual changes in the historicity of thought of Quentin Skinner, approaches of the socio-cultural (anthropological) history, history from below, local history, the history of the body, microhistory, etc. It opens up the new perspectives by political scientists to analyze the problems of humanitarian and human security.
security, humanitarian and Human security, methodology of history, microhistory
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Additional sources and materials

  1. Ginzburg K. Primety // Morfologiya i istoriya / per. s ital. i poslesl. Sergeya Kozlova. M., 2003.
  2. Gro F. Sostoyaniya nasiliya // Logos, 2011. № 1.
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  5. Panarin A. S. Bezopasnost' kak istoriko-kul'turnaya kategoriya // Bezopasnost' na Zapade, na Vostoke i v Rossii. Ivanovo, 2013.
  6. Pik D., Rastin M. Vvedenie v Kventina Skinnera: Interpretatsiya v psikhoanalize i v istorii // Internet-zhurnal Gefter // URL: (data obrascheniya: 28.01.2015).
  7. Daase Christopher. Von der militärischen zur menschlichen Sicherheit // (data obrascheniya: 28.01.2015).
  8. Koselleck Reinhart. The Practice of Conceptual History: Timing History, Spacing Concepts, trans. Todd Samuel Presner et al. Stanford, 2002.
  9. Skinner Quentin. Language and Political Change, in: Political Innovation and Conceptual Change. Cambridge, 1989.


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