Historic-Philosophical Analysis of Models of the State, Society and Global Systems as Condition of a Sustainable Development
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Historic-Philosophical Analysis of Models of the State, Society and Global Systems as Condition of a Sustainable Development
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The article analyses fundamental concepts and theories relating to state and society at national and global levels, focusing on debates in Russian and Western academic sources on the universalism of the liberal-democratic model of development in the context of globalization. Among the main questions of the research: basic concepts of state and society in ancient and modern philosophy (authority, law, society and justice); modern approaches to management at the state level and inter-state systems and their influence on the historical process; the debate about the universality of the liberal- democratic model, globalization, and the concept of multiculturalism, multi-polar world.
state, national and global governance, governance and administration, ethics of statecraft, informal and covert governance, law and justice, vertical and horizontal power, globalizations, global citizenship, multiculturalism, multi-polar world
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