Social Mass Media in Work of a Historian
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Social Mass Media in Work of a Historian
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The article studies the possibility of a use in historical research of information about the past which contain contemporary social networks. The new information reality is based on voluntary publication of content and interactive communication of all users. Such new architecture of interaction forms the everyday vision of the past and works out a special culture of historical knowledge. Communication, personal experience, need for self-identification and commemoration become the major factors of users' interaction when they discuss the past. This is approach to interpretation of facts and sources opposite to the scientific one. Its when the fact-and-effect links give a way to fragmented and dependent on demands of the day information. Discussing the past becomes not a search of truth but segregation of opponents following a principle friend/foe. One can conclude that at present private internet practice occur the rising influence on public spaces.
internet, social mass media, digitalization, “reality of virtuality”, social networks, architecture of communication, self-identification, historical memory, collective memory, interpretation
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Additional sources and materials

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