The Fate of Soviet Historian: V. S. Alekseev-Popov
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The Fate of Soviet Historian: V. S. Alekseev-Popov
Title (other)
Le destin de l’historien à l’époch soviétique: V. S. Alekseev-Popov
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The paper analyzes academic development of a Soviet scholar V. S. Alekseev-Popov, a historian of the French Revolution. It delineates achievements, describes the complexities of research process under scrutiny of ideological control. The article considers a series of academic conflicts and handicaps: the relationship between different generations of academics and research directions («schools»), the position of a scholar in a «provincial institution», unavailability of the necessary French archives, etc. The paper concentrates on the conflict between academic potential and aspirations of the scholar, and limited opportunities for their realization.
soviet historiography, French Revolution studies, V. S. Alekseev-Popov, Ya. M. Zakher
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Additional sources and materials

  1. Blumenau S. F. Ot sotsial'no-ehkonomicheskoj istorii k problematike massovogo soznaniya. Bryansk, 1995.
  2. Vosem' pisem Ya. M. Zakhera A. V. Ado // Mir istorika: Istoriogr. sb. Omsk, 2006. Vyp. 2.
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  8. Gordon A. V. Sovetskie istoriki i «progressivnye uchenye» Zapada // FE 2007. M., 2007.
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  10. Iz istorii yakobinskoj diktatury: Trudy Mezhvuzovskoj nauchnoj konferentsii po istorii yakobinskoj diktatury / Red. kollegiya: V. S.Alekseev-Popov, A. Ya.Gansov, K. D.Petryaev. Odessa, 1962.
  11. Letchford S. E. V. G.Revunenkov protiv «moskovskoj shkoly»: diskussiya o yakobinskoj diktature // FE 2002 M., 2002.
  12. Revunenkov V. G. Marksizm i problema yakobinskoj diktatury. L., 1966.
  13. Russo Zh.-Zh. Traktaty. M., 1969.
  14. Tezisy konferentsii, posvyaschennoj 250-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya Zhan-Zhaka Russo. Odessa, 1962.
  15. Frantsuzskaya burzhuaznaya revolyutsiya 1789—1794 gg. M.; L., 1941.
  16. Alekséev-Popov V.S. L’expérience de la Révolution française et la classe ouvriѐre de Russie à la veile et pendant la Révolution de 1905 à 1907 // Studien über die Revolution. Berlin, 1969.
  17. Soboul A. Les sans-culottes parisiens en l’An II. P., 1958.


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