Суд пэров при ранних Тюдорах
Суд пэров при ранних Тюдорах
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В статье рассматривается устройство и функционирование института суда пэров при ранних Тюдорах. На основании сравнения раннетюдоровской практики судов над пэрами с предшествующей и существовавшими правовыми обычаями делается вывод о создании в эту эпоху принципиально нового репрессивного института под старым названием. Привлечение просопографического материала позволяет проследить «политику ротации» в привлечении пэрства к участию в суде.
Ключевые слова
суд пэров, пэрство, нобилитет, ранние Тюдоры, Генрих VII, Генрих VIII, просопография
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Дополнительные библиографические источники и материалы

  1. «Form of proceedings before a lord High Steward upon the trial by peers» // Gentleman's Magazine. N.S. Vol. I. L, 1834.
  2. «Henry VI: the Parliament of 1453». Item 49. //. Ed. by C. Given-Wilson et al. CD-ROM. Leicester, 2005.
  3. A chronicle of England during the reigns of the Tudors from 1485 to 1559, by Charles Wriothesley, Windsor Herald. Ed. by W.D. Hamilton. Vol. I. L, 1875. Appendix.
  4. Alia historiae Croylandensis continuatio // Rerum Anglicarum scriptores. Vol. I. Ed. by W. Fulman. Oxford, 1684.
  5. Bellamy J.G. The law of treason in England in the later Middle Ages. Cambridge, 1970.
  6. Calendar of Patent Rolls. A.D. 1476–1485. L, 1901.
  7. Calendar of state papers and manuscripts in the archives and collections of Milan: 1385–1618. Ed by A.B. Hinds. L, 1912.
  8. Cobbett W. Cobbett's complete collection of state trials. Vol. I. L, 1809. Col. 957–1042.
  9. Edward IV: The Parliament of 1478 // The parliament rolls of medieval England.
  10. Gunn S.J. Vere, John de, Thirteenth Earl of Oxford (1442–1513) // Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Oxford, 2004.
  11. Hale M. Historia Placitorum Coronae. The history of the pleas of the Crown. Vol. II. L, 1736. Pollock F., Maitland F.W. The history of English law before the time of Edward I. 2nd ed. Vol. II. Cambridge, 1899.
  12. Hall E. The union of the two noble and illustre families of Lancastre & Yorke. Ed. by H. Ellis. L, 1809.
  13. Harcourt L.W.V. His Grace the Steward and the trial of peers. L, 1907.
  14. Harcourt L.W.V. The Baga de Secretis // The English Historical Review. Vol. 23. N. 91 (July 1908).
  15. Harris B.J. The trial of the third duke of Buckingham – a revisionist view // The American Journal of Legal History. Vol. 20. N. 1 (Jan., 1976).
  16. Holt J.C. Magna Charta. 2nd ed. Cambridge, 1992. .
  17. Ingulph's chronicle of the abbey of Croyland. L, 1854.
  18. Keen M.H. Treason trials under the law of arms // Transactions of the Royal Historical Society. 5th ser. Vol. 12 (1962).
  19. Krischer A. Honour and the force of law–trial by peers, aristocracy and criminal law in England from the sixteenth to the eighteenth century // What makes the nobility noblecscart_ comparative perspectives from the sixteenth to the twentieth century. Ed. by J. Leonhard, C. Wieland. Göttingen, 2011.
  20. Letters and papers illustrative of the wars of the English in France during the reign of Henry VI. Ed. by J. Stevenson. Vol. II. Pt. II. L, 1864.
  21. Letters and papers, foreign and domestic, of the reign of Henry VIII. Ed. by J. Brewer et al. 21 vol. in 33 parts + addenda. L, 1862–1932.
  22. Levine M. The fall of Edward, duke of Buckingham // Tudor men and institutions: studies in English law and government. Ed. by A.J. Slavin. Baton Rouge, 1972.
  23. Loach J. Parliament under the Tudors. Oxford, 1991.
  24. Lovell C.R. The trial of peers in Great Britain // The American Historical Review. Vol. 55. N. 1 (Oct., 1949).
  25. Lower M.A. The trial and execution of Thomas Lord Dacre // Sussex Archaeological Collections. Vol. XIX (1867).
  26. Miller H. Henry VIII and the English nobility. Oxford, 1989.
  27. Pike L.O. A constitutional history of the House of Lords. L, 1894.
  28. Powell J.E., Wallis K. The House of Lords in the Middle Ages: a history of the English House of Lords to 1540. L, 1968.
  29. Pugh T.B. Henry VII and the English nobility // The Tudor nobility. Ed. G.W. Bernard. Manchester, 1992.
  30. Rymer T. Foedera, сonventiones, litterae, et cujuscunque generis acta publica. 10 vols. Hagae Comitis, 1739–1745. Vol. V.
  31. The complete peerage. Ed. by V. Gibbs et al. 13 vols. L, 1910–1959 Vol. XI. Vol. II. Pt. II.


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