Дополнительные библиографические источники и материалы
- Болховитинов Н.Н. Доктрина Монро (Происхождение и характер). М., 1959.
- Исэров А.А. США и борьба Латинской Америки за независимость, 1815-1830. М., 2011.
- Трояновская М.О. Дискуссии по вопросам внешней политики в США (1775–1823). М., 2010.
- Beard Ch., Beard M. History of the United States. Boston, 1921.
- Jones H. Crucible of Power. A History of American Foreign Relations to 1913. Wilmington (Del.), 2002.
- Humphreys R.A. Tradition and Revolt in Latin America and Other Essays. L., 1969.
- La Feber W. John Quincy Adams and the American Continental Empire. Chicago (Ill.), 1965.
- Latane J.H. From Isolation to Leadership. N.Y., 1919
- Latane J.H. The Diplomatic Relations of the United States and Spanish America. Baltimore (Md.), 1900.
- Perkins B. The Creation of a Republican Empire, 1776–1805. Cambridge, 1993.
- Perkins D. Hands Off: A History of the Monroe Doctrine. Boston. 1941.
- Schellenberg T.R. The Secret Treaty of Verona: A Newspaper Forgery // Journal of Modern History. Vol. 7. № 3 (Sept. 1935).
- Sexton J. The Monroe Doctrine. Empire and Nation in Nineteenth-Century America. N.Y., 2011.
- Turner F.J. The Rise of the New West. N.Y., 1906.
- Thomas D.Y. One Hundred Years of the Monroe Doctrine. N.Y., 1927 (1st ed. – 1923).
- Webster Ch.K. Britain and the Independence of Latin America, 1810–1830. 2 vols. L., 1938.
- Whitaker A.H. The United States and the Independence of Latin America, 1800–1830. Baltimore (Md.), 1941.
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