The Visits of the Duke of Edinburgh to the Colonies of Great Britain (1867—1871) and the Phenomenon of Colonial Self-Government
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The Visits of the Duke of Edinburgh to the Colonies of Great Britain (1867—1871) and the Phenomenon of Colonial Self-Government
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Ekaterina Velichko 
Affiliation: Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia
Address: Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

The article regards the features of the organization and conduct of the receptions of Prince Alfred, Duke of Edinburgh by the administrations of the settlement colonies — Cape, Australia and New Zealand — that were visited by him during round-the-world official trip in 1867—1871. The differences in the concept and implementation of the Duke of Edinburgh’s first and repeated visits are analyzed. It was revealed that the legislatures of self-governing colonies based on a legislative framework approved at the imperial level had the right to determine the amount of funding optimal for receiving Prince Alfred and the format of his meeting. It is concluded that the self-reliance shown by the colonial authorities in the process of organizing events in honor of the Duke of Edinburgh reflected the peculiarities of developing a mechanism of interaction between Great Britain and its self-governing colonies. The research based on the notes of contemporaries and materials of the British and colonial press.

the British Empire, self-governing colonies, royal visits to the colonies of the British Empire, round-the-world trip of the Duke of Edinburgh 1867—1871, imperial policy of Great Britain in the 1860—1870s.
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