Micropolities Within the British Empire: a Special Path of Historical and Political Development
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Micropolities Within the British Empire: a Special Path of Historical and Political Development
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Evgenii Morozov 
Affiliation: Yaroslav-the-Wise Novgorod State University
Address: Russian Federation, Veliky Novgorod

The article is devoted to the problems of the history and evolution of the political status of micropolities within the British Empire in the colonial and post-colonial periods. A micropolity, as a small and relatively isolated territory, is a space of complex and multidimensional processes. As a rule, they move more slowly and do not always repeat similar phenomena over large areas. The article examines micropolities that are of great strategic importance or have become objects of international territorial disputes: Malta, Akrotiri and Dhekelia, Gibraltar, British Indian Ocean Territory (Chagos). Of the micropolities examined, only Malta received full independence. The remaining territories did not receive such independence, primarily because third countries claim them: Spain to Gibraltar, and Mauritius to Chagos. Akrotiri and Dhekelia are located in the complex Cyprus crisis area involving both island states, as well as Turkey. In addition, all these micropolities retain important military-strategic significance for Great Britain; and Chagos is also an American military base. Despite the small size of micropolities, their history is accompanied by a range of political, economic and international problems that are far from being resolved. These factors prevented their decolonization and made them important objects of political processes of the post-colonial era.

micropolities, British Empire, colonialism, territorial disputes, international relations, Malta, Cyprus, Akrotiri, Dhekelia, Gibraltar, Chagos
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