Dmitri Trofimovich Shepilov and His Research on the Social History of Yakutia
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Dmitri Trofimovich Shepilov and His Research on the Social History of Yakutia
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Vadim Telitsyn 
Affiliation: Institute of World History RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

The article analyzes the research position of D. T. Shepilov, presented in his little-known works of the 1920s, devoted to the historical features of destructive social phenomena, as well as the so-called “customary law” in one of the eastern regions of Russia — Yakutia of the late 19th — early 20s centuries. Dmitri Trofimovich Shepilov is known as a Soviet statesman and politician, as a participant in the Great Patriotic War of 1941—1945 (who passed all the stages — from private to major general), as the author of the first Soviet textbook on political economy, as Minister of Foreign Affairs and, most importantly, as “joined” the anti-party group of Molotov—Malenkov—Kaganovich. It is widely known how he was removed from all his government posts in 1957 for participation in the anti-party group and how he spent the rest of his life seeking his rehabilitation. However, D. T. Shepilov is completely unknown as a historian, jurist, and sociologist, since his work in these scientific fields dates back to the 1920s and remains little known to a modern researcher.

D. T. Shepilov, the history of Yakutia in the late 19th — early 20s centuries, Yakut society, features of everyday life of the Yakuts, customary law
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