Ebionites and Adoptionists as Precusors of “Nestorianism”: the View of a 6th-Century Syriac “Monophysite”
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Ebionites and Adoptionists as Precusors of “Nestorianism”: the View of a 6th-Century Syriac “Monophysite”
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Evgenii Zabolotnyi 
Affiliation: Lomonosov Moscow State University
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

The desire to strongly classify heterodox movements in Christianity and demonstrate genealogical connections between them was typical for the hereseological tradition not only in Byzantium, but also outside it, for example, in Sasanian Iran. Here, Simeon of Beth Arsham († 540), bishop of the Church of the East, who assessed very negatively the reception by the East Syrian tradition of an extremely diophysite Christology associated with the School of Antioch, presented his version of the genealogy of “Nestorianism”. Searching in Greek sources for the origins  and parallels of this genealogy, which seeks to connect the “Antiochene” adoptionism, primarily that of Paul of Samosata, with Judeo-Christian movements, is one of the main goals of the paper. The orientation of Simeon, as well as Severus of Antioch and Philoxenus of Mabbug, who had constructed very similar genealogies in Greek and Syriac respectively, towards a common source can hardly be doubted, which has already been convincingly shown in historiography. On the contrary, what is unexpected is the almost complete correspondence of Simeon’s scheme to the ideas which were developed in the classical hereseological treatises of Greek-speaking authors of the 2nd to 5th centuries, namely Irenaeus of Lyons, Eusebius of Caesarea, Epiphanius of Cyprus and Theodoret of Cyrus.

Syriac Christianity, Simeon of Beth Arsham, Monophysitism, Church of the East, Nestorianism, School of Antioch, intrareligious polemics, early Christian heresies, apologists, Jewish Christianity
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