The 16th Century Liturgical Miscellanies from Fontevraud and Chelles Monasteries in the National Library of Russia. To the Problem of Composition and Decoration Peculiarities
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The 16th Century Liturgical Miscellanies from Fontevraud and Chelles Monasteries in the National Library of Russia. To the Problem of Composition and Decoration Peculiarities
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Olga Subbotina 
Affiliation: Russian Academy of Sciences Library
Address: Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg
Olga Frolova
Affiliation: The National Library of Russia
Address: Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

The National library of Russia (NLR) holds a considerable amount of Western European liturgical books including those published in the first half of the 16th century. The article deals with two monastery miscellanies whose composition appears to be unique as there have not been found the similar ones anywhere in the world so far. These NLR miscellanies are introduced into scientific circulation for the first time here. Both of them include the editions for Fontevraud royal abbey and consist of the following common parts: Book of hours for Fontevraud, Devotional and Mortuary prayers. Either miscellany contains manuscript leaves in addition to the printed parts. Both of them came to NLR from Zaluski Library. It has become possible, however, to determine provenance of the second miscellany which originally was in the possession of Margaret Le Bret, the prioress of other royal abbey, Chelles. Both, Fontevraud and Chelles, submitted to Benedictine statutes. The search for the binding owner which led to the final identification of Margaret Le Bret as a possessor allowed to formulate main ideas concerning two miscellanies from NLR. In particular, it became possible to explain the content peculiarities and the absence of Hours of the Virgin according to Fontevraud usus in the second miscellany. They just did not correspond to Chelles officium. Big Marian Psalter, traditionally attributed to a medieval theologist Giovanni di Fidanza (St. Bonaventure), is the distinctive feature of the second miscellany as well. The Psalter was printed on September 26th 1521 in the typography of Thielman Kerver and is the earliest of all parts contained in the second miscellany. The article considers in detail the miscellanies content and their provenance history as well as the engravings which are interesting in terms of their set, the technique of execution, complication and expansion of iconographic programme.

Fontevraud Monastery, Chelles Monastery, liturgical collection, Louise de Bourbon, Margaret Le Bret, Pierre Le Goux, engraving, Załuski Library
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