Medieval Parchment Isotope Mass Spectrometry in Determining Regional Features of the Old Russian Manuscripts Production in the 11th — 14th Centuries: Specifics and Limits of the Method
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Medieval Parchment Isotope Mass Spectrometry in Determining Regional Features of the Old Russian Manuscripts Production in the 11th — 14th Centuries: Specifics and Limits of the Method
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Elena Ukhanova 
Affiliation: State Historical Museum
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

Lack of information about the origin of most Old Russian manuscripts of the 11th–14th centuries led the author to the idea of using to determine it the method of mass spectrometry of the isotope ratios of carbon δ13С and nitrogen δ15N in samples of collagen of the parchment itself and strontium δ87Sr in chalk, which was used in its production. This method has proven itself well in modern archaeological research. The parchments of 25 manuscripts stored in the Department of Manuscripts of the State Historical Museum were analyzed. The first results obtained indicate great prospects for a new direction of research. They made it possible to determine the features of the creation of individual unique codices, to reconstruct certain conglomerates of manuscripts and thereby restore the lost connections between them. The data we presented are preliminary and need clarification in the process of further research.

parchment, localization of medieval manuscripts, ancient Russia, light stable carbon (δ13С) and nitrogen (δ15N) isotope ratios, heavy stable strontium (δ87Sr) isotopes ratios.
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