Demarcation of the Russian-Polish Border in 1634—1637: “How the Old Residents Led”
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Demarcation of the Russian-Polish Border in 1634—1637: “How the Old Residents Led”
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Iuliia Stepanova 
Affiliation: Institute of World History RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

This work is a continuation of the study by the author of the historical geography of the Upper Depression and Upper Volga of the 16th — 17th centuries. The article analyzes the process of land surveying of the Russian-Polish border, which took place after the conclusion of the Polyanovsky Treaty of 1634. Materials of boundary descriptions have not been published and are stored in the 79 RGADA fund. The scribe materials of Toropetsky, Rzhevsky and Belsky uezds were also involved in the work. The documents of demarcation provide the possibility of detailed reconstruction of the border in different parts and methods of its routing. In the process of delimitation, the important role was played by the local population — “old residents” who had knowledge of the old borders. During the demarcation, the old and new boundary signs were identified, such as: pits, mounds, pillars, signs on pillars and trees, kopets, furrows. As a result of the study, the Toropets and Vyaz’ma parts of the border in contact with Belaya uezd were localized. During the survey, the exchange of territories was made between Belaya and Rzheva uezds; the dispute over the volosts of the Toropets uezd, the territories of which are reflected on the maps, was resolved. The addition to the article contains the list of disputed and exchange lands included in the boundary description of the Toropets part of the border. The data obtained significantly complement the ideas about the historical geography of Belaya uezd and neighboring territories.

border, survey, Polyanovsky Treaty, Russia, Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, Upper Western Dvina, 17th century, historical geography
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