Early News about the Rus in Arab-Persian Sources: Geography of Knowledge
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Early News about the Rus in Arab-Persian Sources: Geography of Knowledge
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Irina Konovalova 
Affiliation: Institute of World History RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

The paper is devoted to the analysis of references to the Rus of the 6th — 7th centuries in medieval Arab-Persian sources — the works of Balʽami, al-Thaʽalibi, Zahir ad-Din Marʽashi, as well as in Dagestan historical works. The same context of references to the Rus of the 6th — 7th centuries (their participation, along with the Khazars and Turks, in military clashes with the Sasanian and then Arab troops in the Caucasus) in these sources allows us to suppose that the idea of the Rus, who acted in concert with the Khazars even during the time of the Sassanids, first recorded in Balʽami’s work, continued for a long time exist in the local historical and mythological-epic tradition of the peoples of the Caspian region. The area of existence of information about the Rus in the 6th — 7th centuries and their close relations with the Khazars allows us to assert that the sources of this kind of data were related to the fact that by the middle of the 10th century the ethnonym Rus in Islamic literature ceased to be explained through the term Saqaliba and acquired an independent meaning.

Arab-Persian medieval sources, ethnonyms, Rus, Saqaliba, Caspian region, Dagestan, geography of knowledge
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