Marcianus Capella’s Views of the Universe. To the Origins of Medieval Culture and Scientific Knowledge
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Marcianus Capella’s Views of the Universe. To the Origins of Medieval Culture and Scientific Knowledge
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Maya Petrova 
Institute for Interdisciplinary Research in Science and Education
Institute of World History RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

The paper is devoted to the reconstruction of the philosophical ideas on the universe of Marcianus Capella, of the Latin Platonist of the second half of the 5th century, which take place in his encyclopedic work “De nuptiis Philologiae et Mercurii” (“On the Marriage of Philology and Mercury”), which is a characteristic instance of the state of late Roman science. It is noted not only that this work belongs to the Roman rhetorical tradition (and not the philosophical Greek one), but also its noticeable influence on the development of Medieval Western European culture. Its demand by such authors as John Scotus (Eriugena), Remigius of Auxerre, Martin of Ireland is shown. The circle of Marcianus’ sources is indicated (including “Menippean satire”, Apuleius’ “Metamorphoses”, Varro’s “Nine Sciences”, “Chaldean Oracles”, works of Porphyry and others).

Martianus Capella, philosophical ideas, universe, sources, text, late Roman science, Medieval culture, tradition
Источник финансирования
This paper was prepared with the financial support of the Russian Science Foundation. Project (No. 24-18-00349) is “Ideas on the world and the universe in the historical context and socio-cultural development of European society”.
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