Dynastic Unions of the Electorate of Brandenburg at the Beginning of the 17th Century as a Starting Point for the Rise of Prussia in the Modern Time
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Dynastic Unions of the Electorate of Brandenburg at the Beginning of the 17th Century as a Starting Point for the Rise of Prussia in the Modern Time
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Tamara Tatcenko 
Affiliation: Saint Petersburg Institute of History RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

The paper is based on an authentic letter dated July 15, 1594 from three representatives of the Hohenzollern dynasty to Wilhelm, Duke of Bavaria, with an invitation to the wedding of Johann Sigismund, Margrave of Brandenburg, to Anna, Duchess of Prussia. The letter is preserved in the archives of the St. Petersburg Institute of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences under the code 430/53. Thanks to the hereditary rights that Duchess Anne brought to this marriage, the Electorate of Brandenburg managed to incorporate within it the lands of Cleves, Mark, Ravensberg on the Lower Rhine, as well as the Duchy of Prussia, and became a large composite state. The new dynastic union gave rise to the creating the powerful European state of Prussia.The paper deals with the constituent elements of the governmental policy in a composite state at the beginning of the 17th century, which secured the further rise of this state. Special attention is paid tothe development of governance structures and the conversion of Elector Johann Sigismund from Lutheranism to Calvinism which had far-reaching consequences. The article is provided with a copy of the document under consideration.

Dynastic union, Electorate of Brandenburg, The Duchy of Prussia, United Duchies of Julich-Cleves-Berg, John Sigismund, Elector of Brandenburg, Duchess Anna of Prussia, Calvinism, Reformed Christianity
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