The Struggle for the Anjou Legacy and Sigismund’s of Luxemburg Role in the History of the Hungarian Royal Title
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The Struggle for the Anjou Legacy and Sigismund’s of Luxemburg Role in the History of the Hungarian Royal Title
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Nikolay Naumov 
Affiliation: Lomonosov Moscow State University
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

The formation and realisation of the territorial claims posed by the kings of Hungary had a nonlinear character. The role that was played in this process by the foreign policy of King Sigismund (1387—1437) is discussed in the paper. The royal title these claims were expressed with is “the king of Hungary, Dalmatia, Croatia, Bosnia, Galicia, Lodomeria, Cumania and Bulgaria”. This title had been composed already during the reign of the local Árpád dynasty in the 13th century. However, this imagined realm was made real only by the military campaigns that were led by Sigismund’s predecessor — Louis of Anjou, king of Hungary and Poland (1342—1382). After the death of Louis the struggle for his legacy started. During this struggle Sigismund — who had been chosen by Louis to be his successor on both the thrones — fought against the members of Anjou dynasty (the Queen Hedwig of Poland and the King Charles of Naples) who did usurp his power. Sigismund tried to maintain for himself the realm of the kings of Hungary that had been embodied by Louis of Anjou. He undertook military campaigns against the Serbians (1389—1397), the Bosnians (1389 and 1394), the inhabitants of Valachia and Moldavia (1395) and the Bulgars (1396). He did not succeed. Not only Sigismund’s lack of military genius or his bad luck was the cause: the oppositionalism of the local elites towards Louis of Anjou had already been a forerunner of the desintergation that happened after the accession of his successor to the throne. Galicia, Lodomeria and Moldavia joined the Crown of Poland, while the Serbians and Bosnians did not admit Sigismund, but the Neapolitan Anjou’s as the kings of Hungary. Besides that, the realm conceptionalised by the Árpáds had been unviable as an area of military rule even under more convenient circumstances of the 13th century. However, Sigismund’s relations to despot Stefan Lazarević of Serbia and to the voievods of Valachia discussed in the paper do show that Sigismund used the alliances with the local rulers and their integration in the power and court structures of the Kingdom of Hungary. Sigismund succeeded to find his own and possibly the only way of durable realisation of the territorial claims of the kings of Hungary while using the institution of a mutually beneficial alliance and agreement — the union in the diplomatic meaning of this word.

Kingdom of Hungary, the Sacred Crown, union, 14th — 15th centuries, Central, South-Eastern and Eastern Europe
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