The Union of Kalmar— the Alliance of Denmark, Sweden and Norway
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The Union of Kalmar— the Alliance of Denmark, Sweden and Norway
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Andrey Shcheglov 
Affiliation: Istitute of World History RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

The conclusion of the union of Denmark, Sweden and Norway was the key event in late medieval history of Scandinavia. The treaty was passed in Kalmar. Remaining formally independent, the three kingdoms united under the power of the common monarch. The fundamental documents of the Union of Kalmar — the act of coronation of King Erik of Pomerania and the union treaty have attracted historians’ attention. The union act was interpreted in different ways: it was regarded as an international treaty, a project, a protocol etc. Research concerning the Union of Kalmar is still a matter of importance. Comparative study of the Union of Kalmar and the Polish-Lithuanian Union of Krewo has good prospects. Regarding both unions, we face strange form and negligent stamping of the union acts; there are, in particular, mistakes in their texts. In both documents the character of mutual integration is formulated rather vaguely. There are many common features in historians’ debates concerning the two unions, their status and the legal power of the treaties. As for the Diet of Kalmar 1397, it had two results: the properly constituted personal union under King Erik of Pomerania, and the eternal union whose legal basis was uncertain. A factual union emerged, where mutual interest and contradictions were present.

history, Middle Ages, medieval states, international relations, Scandinavian countries, unions
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