The Union of the Crowns of France and England: an Alternative Version by Jean Jouvénal des Ursins
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The Union of the Crowns of France and England: an Alternative Version by Jean Jouvénal des Ursins
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Susanna Tsaturova 
Affiliation: Institute of World History RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

The French monarchy was the model of a strong centralized state in medieval Western Europe. At the same time it was formed as a national state and relied on the active promotion of national identity. In this context the treaty of Troyes in 1420 on the union of France and England under the rule of the English monarchs looks like a ridiculous and inept attempt to end the long-standing conflict, referred to in historiography as the Hundred Years’ War. However, the “union of two crowns” was not perceived by contemporaries as absurd. A vivid confirmation of this is the alternative union plan proposed by Jean Juvénal des Ursins, which is analyzed in detail in the article for the first time. Jouvénal was the closest counsellor to Charles VII of Valois, a high-ranking official, lawyer and hierarch of the Church. He made the greatest contribution to discrediting the treaty of Troyes by finding a copy of the text of the Salic law. Two treatises in which he developed this plan were written in 1435—1445. By that time France had already won its main military and political victories. This fact speaks in favor of the author’s conviction in the benefits of such a union. According to Jouvénal, the union of two crowns should have come under the rule of the French King Charles VII, since the English monarchs, Edward III and Henry IV of Lancaster, came to power illegally by killing legitimate kings, Edward II and Richard II. The main goal of Jouvénal’s alternative project was to ensure a reliable peace and an end to the war.

The Hundred Years War 1337—1453, the French monarchy, the Treaty of Troyes 1420, the Union, Jean Jouvénal des Ursins
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