Saxo Grammaticus and His Russian Information
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Saxo Grammaticus and His Russian Information
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Vladislav Antonov 
Affiliation: Institute of World History RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

The paper traces the life path of the medieval Danish historian Saxo Grammaticus and for the first time in historiography examines the information about Russia and Russians (Rus), which are contained in his work “Deeds of the Danes” (“Gesta Danorum”). The author of the paper explores the origin of these news in connection with other sources and facts of Saxo's biography. At the same time, attention is drawn to the methods of work of the Danish historian in different parts of his work. On the whole, it is concluded that the Russian facts of Saxo Grammaticus is an important source regarding the concepts of Russians (Rus) and Russia, which at the turn of the 12—13th centuries were established in Den-mark. At the same time, these concepts indicated their close connection with the oral literature of the northern Germans and with the literary tradition and, in general, with the spiritual trends of the Roma-no-Germanic cultural and historical world.

Saxo Grammaticus, Middle Ages, historian, Deeds of the Danes, Russia, Russians, information
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