The Sais Inscription. Translation and Commentary
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The Sais Inscription. Translation and Commentary
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Mikhail Apenko 
Lomonosov Moscow State University
Institute of World History RAS
Higher School of Economics
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

The article presents a Russian translation of an important epigraphic evidence of the Hellenistic Egypt, the so-called Sais Inscription. The Sais Inscription was compiled in the Late Middle Egyptian language during the reign of Ptolemy II Philadelphus (285—246 BCE) in late 260s but was later transported to Rome. Only three fragments of an inscription exist to this date: A). Codex Ursinianus, fol. 6 ro — redrawing of a part of the inscription made in 16th century, B). a fragment of a stela at the National Archaeological Museum of Naples (No. 1034) and C). a large fragment of a stela at the Musée du Louvre (No C 123). The available fragments make it possible to reconstruct the first eleven columns of the text which was probably longer. These fragments allowed Chr. Thiers to publish the reconstructed inscription in 2001. The present publication is largely based on this reconstruction and aims to clarify some disputed passages of the text and to provide its new commentary. It is necessary to note the importance of the text for the researchers of Hellenistic Egypt. It provides the information on the nature and the peculiarities of interaction between Ptolemy II Philadelphus and the Egyptian elite. The text describes the gathering of its members at Sais organized by the king in order to bring the statue of Arsinoe II to Sais. According to a number of researchers, this might be an early case or a prototype of a synod, a special gathering of the Egyptian priesthood intended to discuss and to decide important issues in the development of the Ptolemaic dynastic cult.

Egypt, Hellenism, Ptolemies, Sais Inscription, priesthood, royal cult, synods of the priesthood
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