Heraldic Esprit in Huon de Mery’s “Li Tournoiemenz Anticrit”
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Heraldic Esprit in Huon de Mery’s “Li Tournoiemenz Anticrit”
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Геральдика в аллегорической поэме Гуона де Мери «Турнир Антихриста»
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Daria Staroskolskaia 
Affiliation: Institute of World History RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

The Tournament of Antichrist is an allegoric poem written in 1230—1240. It is especially famous for containing coats of arms of personified vices and virtues that challenge each other in a chivalric battle. The blazons of the arms are often complicated and look erroneous. Former conclusions stated that Huon de Mery was amateur in heraldry and his attempt to create arms for his characters had mostly failed. The article suggests a new vision of the text of the poem based on linguistic analysis. New research shows not only author’s proficiency in heraldry but outstanding wit and word skill.

heraldry, coat of arms, chivalry, allegory, medieval romance, tournament, Huon de Mery, Li Tournoiemenz Anticrit
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