Empire and Models of Adoption of Alien Experience: Mediterranean Context
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Empire and Models of Adoption of Alien Experience: Mediterranean Context
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Irina Variash 
Affiliation: Lomonosov Moscow State University
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Rustam Shukurov
Affiliation: Lomonosov Moscow State University
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

In the Middle Ages, monotheistic religions became an important component of culture, each of them claimed its own monopoly on truth and the process of accumulating experience of the others also often meant the assimilation of the experience of a confessionally different culture. This directly relates to the Mediterranean, cornerstone civilization of the Middle Ages. The article is devoted to the discussion of the designation of information and objects of another culture by one culture in the context of the confessional distinction of these cultures. More specifically, we will examine models of qualification of specifically Islamic objects in the Christian culture of the Eastern Mediterranean through the experience of the Byzantine Empire, and in the Christian culture of the Western Mediterranean through the experience of the Aragonese Crown. Authors discuss the question how open was the Mediterranean Christian culture to the Islamic world, and how did it deal with purely “Islamic” information? Medieval Christian authors identified information that came from the Islamic world in their own way, practicing certain cultural borrowing models The article presents a typology of cultural transfers of the Mediterranean region of the medieval period.

Medieval history, Byzantine, Hispania, Islam, Christianity, Mediterranean Culture, cultural Transfers
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