The Lallemants: Non-Nobles in the Visual Space of a European City of the 15th — 16th Centuries
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The Lallemants: Non-Nobles in the Visual Space of a European City of the 15th — 16th Centuries
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Alexander Tchernik 
Institute of World History RAS
State Academic University for Humanities
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

The visual features of the non-nobles are coat of arms, badges, mottoes and other signs of merchants, artisans and officials to which the French family of the German origin Lallemants belonged. The Lallemants ordered a large number of manuscripts with their own emblems and badges. Their coat of arms is included in the armorial of the city Burge patriciate (1486–1533). This is not a unique case but an example of obvious inclusion of their arms in heraldic culture. The coats of arms were not exclusive prerogative of nobility and the arms of the non-nobles occupied a significant place in the visual landscape of the city of the late Middle Ages.

visual signs, heraldry in the city, coat of arms of non-nobles, the Lallemants
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