Assessment of Translators and Interpreters of Greek Language in the Ambassadorial Order in the Second Third of the 17th Century
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Assessment of Translators and Interpreters of Greek Language in the Ambassadorial Order in the Second Third of the 17th Century
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Zinaida Oborneva 
Affiliation: Vinogradov Institute of Russian Language RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

The article raises the problem of checking the language skills of translators and interpreters who entered Ambassadorial order. Candidates for the post of Greek interpreter or translator usually passed the assessment, which was taken by experienced translators of the Ambassadorial order. The article deals with all cases of assessment of Greek language reflected in the columns of the RGADA funds from 1626 to 1666, including the practice of conducting a written examination. The unique texts of written assessment are fully presented and analyzed.

Ambassadorial order, Greek translators, Greek language, RGADA, Anastas Selunsky, Boris Bogomoltsev, Ivan Selunsky
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