The Trial of the Catholic Clergy in 1923 in the Coverage of the Vatican Envoy in Russia
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The Trial of the Catholic Clergy in 1923 in the Coverage of the Vatican Envoy in Russia
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Evgenia Tokareva 
Affiliation: Institute of World History
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Alexey Beglov
Affiliation: Institute of World History. National Research Nuclear University
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
The Bolshevik party that came to power from the start pursued a policy of radical secularism, which in the late 1910s and early 1920s provoked resistance from clergy and believers of different faiths. The repressive policy of the Soviet power was directed primarily against the Orthodox Church, but also directly affected the Catholic Church. Some decrees and instructions for their implementation directly contradicted the Canon law of the Catholic Church. First of all, the Instructions of August 24, 1918, according to which all the property of churches was nationalized, and church buildings were transferred to the use of groups of believers, from whom it was required to sign a special agreement (contract), which meant in fact the recognition on their part of the fact of nationalization. Resistance of Catholic clergy was caused also by the campaign for withdrawal of Church valuables, begun by the Soviet power under the pretext of fight against hunger in the Volga region. Relations between the Soviet government and Catholicism during this period were complicated by the fact that the majority of Catholics who lived in the territory of Soviet Russia were poles, and many of them have already accepted or sought to accept Polish citizenship. The top of the Catholic hierarchy was also Polish. Accordingly, the extremely tense relations between the RSFSR and the Polish Republic, which resulted in the Soviet-Polish war of 1919—1920, left their mark on relations with Catholics in Russia, which were perceived as the “fifth column” of a hostile state. This conflict reached its climax in March 1923. when the trial of 15 Catholic priests was held in Moscow, which included among the accused the head of Russian Catholics, Archbishop Jan Tseplyak. They were accused of counter-revolutionary activities and relations with Poland., The head of the Pontifical mission aid American Jesuit E. Walsh, who was at that time in Russia and who was also authorised to negotiate with the Soviet government all the issues to be resolved, managed to get permission to attend the trial and a few days later sent a detailed report to Vatican, which is published below.
Catholic Church, the trials of the Catholic clergy, a Jesuit priest
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Additional sources and materials

  1. Anglo-sovetskie otnosheniya so dnya podpisaniya torgovogo soglasheniya do razryva (1921—1927 gg.). Noty i dokumenty s vvodnoj stat'ej i predmetnym ukazatelem. M., 1927.
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  9. Pokrovskij N. Predislovie // Arkhivy Kremlya. Politbyuro i tserkov'. 1922—1925. Novosibirsk, 1997. S. 7—109.
  10. Tokareva E. S. Otnosheniya SSSR i Vatikana: ot peregovorov k razryvu. 1922—1929 (kratkij obzor po materialam sovetskikh arkhivov) // Rossiya i Vatikan v kontse XIX — pervoj treti KhKh vv. M., 2002. S. 260—320.
  11. Shkarovskij M. V. Istoriya Rimsko-Katolicheskoj Tserkvi na Severo-Zapade Rossii v 1917—1941 gg. po dokumentam peterburgskikh arkhivov // Ehlektronnyj nauchno-obrazovatel'nyj zhurnal «Istoriya». M., 2018. № 4.
  12. Shkarovskij M. V., Cherepenina N. Yu., Shiker A. K. Rimsko-katolicheskaya tserkov' na severo-zapade Rossii v 1917—1945 gg. SPb, 1998.
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