The Cathedral Chapter of Lyon on the Road to Autonomy, 9th — 12th Centuries
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The Cathedral Chapter of Lyon on the Road to Autonomy, 9th — 12th Centuries
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Aleksandr Korolev 
Affiliation: Istitute of World History
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
The present paper follows the development of the cathedral chapter of Lyon since its foundation in the Carolingian period to the acquisition of autonomy at the turn of the 13th century, with the emphasis on the emergence of property rights and internal structure of the community, as well as on its relations with the archbishop of Lyon. The separation of the capitular ‘mensa’ and its subsequent division into prebends (‘obediences’) is regarded as a gradual process that was only completed in the 12th century. At the same time, the structure of the chapter was finally established, including its elective corporate leadership; the canons obtained the right of co-optation, judicial immunity, and other privileges. The move to autonomy was accompanied by increasing tensions between the archbishop and the chapter that traditionally served as an archbishop’s council. The essential events in this confrontation were the attempt of archbishop Gebuin (1077—1082) to impose the Augustinian Rule on his canons; the election of archbishop Guichard of Pontigny (1165—1180), in spite of the opposition of the majority of chapter; and the ‘Permutatio’ of 1173, by which both archbishop and chapter obtained temporal power over the city of Lyon. By identifying itself with the ‘Church of Lyon’, the cathedral chapter laid claim to a share in spiritual and temporal jurisdiction belonging to the archbishop. Thus the canons did not ultimately aspire to complete autonomy in order to maintain their privileged position alongside the archbishop.
Middle Ages, Lyon, secular canons, cathedral chapter
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Additional sources and materials

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