Digital History: History and Memory — Accessible for Everyone
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Digital History: History and Memory — Accessible for Everyone
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Serge Noiret 
Affiliation: European University Institute
Address: Italy, Florence
Digital History in its version 2.0, has certainly helped to open up ‘high culture” but with the advent of web 2.0, history and memory are now the prerogative of anyone using “crowdsourcing” activities. The danger today is that specialists do not control these digital mutations. Without aknowledge of the new instruments and reflecting on the new historian’s craft, the digital revolution will eliminate the professional capacity to reconstruct the past. History will soon become an open territory for unqualified individuals to play with. The author attempts to understand what are themost significant mutations of history 2.0 for the profession of historian and what exactly are the epistemological issues posed by the new digital realm. He focuses on the practices of Digital Public History, a history open to everyone and answering to the profound identity needs of our societies.
Digital History, Web 2.0, Primary Sources, Public History, Digital Public History, Digital Humanities, Memories, History Web
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  35. Noiret S., Gallini S. La historia digital en la era del Web 2.0: introducción al Dossier Historia Digital // Historia Crítica (№ 43, 2011).
  36. Noiret Serge. “Public History” e “storia pubblica” nella rete // Ricerche storiche. Vol. 39. № 2—3, 2009. P. 275—327.
  37. Noiret Serge. Histoire et mémoire dans la Toile d’histoire contemporaine italienne // Les Historiens, leurs revues et internet (France, Espagne, Italie) / Philippe Rygiel, Serge Noiret (eds.). Paris, Éditions Publibook Université, 2005. P. 25—79.
  38. Noiret Serge. The Historian’s new Workshop // Ilaria Porciani, Lutz Raphael (eds.), Atlas of European Historiography: the Making of a Profession 1800—2005, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan/European Science Foundation, 2010.
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