Additional sources and materials
- Potopaeva V. G. Korolevy, shuty i rabyni: zhenschiny pri irlandskom krolevskom dvore // Kazus. Individual'noe i unikal'noe v istorii – 2014–2016 / pod red. O. I. Togoevoj i I. N. Danilevskogo. Vyp. 11. M., 2016. S. 129–148.
- Sagi ob Uladakh / sost. T. A. Mikhajlova. M., 2004.
- Bitel L. Land of women. Tales of Sex and Gender from Early Ireland. Ithaca; N. Y., 1996.
- Eska C. M. Cáin Lánamna. An Old Irish Tract on Marriage and Divorce Law. Leiden; Boston, 2010.
- Gwynn E. J. An Irish Penitential // Ériu. 1914. Vol. 7. P. 121–195.
- Hughes K. Early Christian Ireland: Introduction to the Sources. Cambridge, 2008.
- Jasky B. Marriage Laws in Ireland and on the Continent in the Early Middle Ages // “The Fragility of her sex”? / ed. by C. E. Meek and M. K. Simms. Dublin, 1996. P. 16–42.
- Kelly F. A guide to early Irish law. Dublin, 1988.
- McNeill J. T. Medicine for Sin as Prescribed in the Penitentials // Church History. 1932. Vol. 1. № 1. P. 14–26.
- Oakley T. P. The Penitentials as Sources for Medieval History // Speculum. 1940. Vol. 15. № 2. P. 210–223.
- Oakley T. P. The Origins of Irish Penitential Discipline // The Catholic Historical Review. 1933. Vol. 19. № 3. P. 320–332.
- Story of the abbot of Druimenach, who was changed into woman // Anecdota from Irish Manuscripts / ed. O. J. Bergin, R. I. Best, K. Meyer, J. G. O’Keeffe. Dublin, 1907. Vol.1. P. 76–79.
- The Irish Penitentials / ed. by L. Bieler. Dublin, 1975.