The Unknown Edition of the Life of St. Basil the Younger in the Greek Manuscript Written in 1729 (Russian National library, Gr. 659)
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The Unknown Edition of the Life of St. Basil the Younger in the Greek Manuscript Written in 1729 (Russian National library, Gr. 659)
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Lyudmila Shegoleva 
Affiliation: Russain State Library
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
The paper deals with the late manuscript from the Russian National library containing the Life of St. Basil the Younger and concerns its place among the other greek manuscripts with this monument of byzantine hagiography. The manuscript has been written in 1729 by the priest Georgios Moschatos from the Symi island and presents the unknown third abridged edition of the Life of St. Basil the Younger.
hagiohraphy, greek manuscripts, Life of St. Basil the Younger, Russian National library
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GIM — Gosudarstvennyj istoricheskij muzej

PPS — Pravoslavnyj Palestinskij sbornik

ORYaS — Otdelenie russkogo yazyka i slovesnosti Imperatorskoj Akademii nauk

RGB — Rossijskaya gosudarstvennaya biblioteka

RNB — Rossijskaya natsional'naya biblioteka

CSHB — Corpus scriptorum historiae byzantinae

ΕΒΕ — Εθνική βιβλιοθήκη της Ελλάδος



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