Aleksey Khludov’s Greek Manuscripts: an Attempt to Descript of a Part of His Collection
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Aleksey Khludov’s Greek Manuscripts: an Attempt to Descript of a Part of His Collection
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Ksenia Morugina 
Affiliation: Lomonosov Moscow State University
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
This work is an attempt to describe six Greek manuscripts from the collection of the famous collector of the 19th century Aleksey Ivanovich Khludov (1818—1882). Five of these manuscripts are in the State Historical museum under ciphers: Khlud. 129d (Psalm, IX c.), 171d (Cretan manuscript of Thucydides; the beginning of the 16th c.), 172d (the texts of Sophocles and Aeschylus, written at the end of 14th — 15th centuries), 173d (the works of Aristophanes, Aeschylus and Hesiod of the end of 14th — 15th centuries), 174d (Hippocrates, Aetius and Simeon Seth; first quarter of 14th century); and one codex is in the Russian State Library under the cipher: MDA F. 173.I № 370 (The Apostle-Aprakos; second half of the 12th century).
Greek manuscripts, Aleksey Ivanovich Khludov, collection of manuscripts
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Additional sources and materials

  1. Arkhimandrit Amfilokhij. Grecheskaya psaltyr' IX v., Khludovskaya (Lobkovskaya). M., 1866.
  2. Bokhanov A. N. Kollektsionery i metsenaty v Rossii. M., 1989.
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  13. Canart P., Leroy J. Les manuscrits en style de Reggio. Etude paléographique et codicologique // La paléographie grecque et byzantine. Paris, 1977 (Colloques internationaux du Centre National de la Recherche scientifique. № 559).
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  15. Mosin V., Traljic S. Filigranes des XIII et XIV SS. Zagreb: Academie Yugoslave des Sciences et des Beaux-Arts, 1957.


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