Historiography of Research Approaches in Source Study of European Medieval Agrarian State Inquiries. Part 2. Historiography of English “Domesday Book” 1086
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Historiography of Research Approaches in Source Study of European Medieval Agrarian State Inquiries. Part 2. Historiography of English “Domesday Book” 1086
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Alexey Frolov 
Affiliation: Institute of World history, Russian academy of sciences
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
The article examines the approaches that have been used by historians at source study of specific group of English written sources known as “Domesday Book” with its “satellites”. The logic of development of knowledge about this document complex by means of codicology and other techniques was shown. The “Book” turns to be a source formed on the base of sophisticated complex of documents that had been made on different steps of the servey and during subsequent analysis.
cadaster inquiries in Europe, historical source study, historiography
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Additional sources and materials

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  11. Domesday Book Rebound. London, 1954.
  12. Domesday Book: a Reassessment / ed. by P. Sawer. Worcester, 1985.
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  33. Rumble A. R. The Paleography of the Domesday Manuscripts // Domesday Book: a Reassessment / ed. by P. Sawer. Worcester, 1985.
  34. Sawyer P. H. The “Original Returns” and Domesday Book // EHR, 70. 1955. P. 177—197.
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  36. The Domesday Geography of Midland England / ed. by H. C. Darby and I. B. Terrett. Cambridge, 1954.
  37. The Domesday Geography of Northern England / ed. by H. C. Darby and I. S. Maxwell. Cambridge, 1962.
  38. The Domesday Geography of South East England / ed. by H.C. Darby, Eila M.J. Campbell. Cambridge, 1962.
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