Jesus Church Latvian Congregation in St. Petersburg
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Jesus Church Latvian Congregation in St. Petersburg
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Vitaliy Shalda 
Affiliation: Daugavpils Universitāte
Address: Latvia, Daugavpils/Riga
This article tells about Latvian parish of Jesus church in St. Petersburg. Latvians who mainly belonged to the Lutheran confession were coming to Petersburg since the time of Peter the 1st. In the 19th c. the first Latvian national organizations were founded the Russian capital thanks to the efforts of this parish. In the early 1800s the most part of the Latvians parishioners of this church were navy and guard lower ranks militaries. In 1835 a first pastor of the Latvian in St. Petersburg was appointed on the initiative of the Latvian militaries; however, he was ethnic German. At that year the Latvian Lutherans got the small church of St. Mary next to the Smolny monastery at their disposal. Thanks to donations, a church of Jesus was built in 1849. At first there was only the Latvian parish, later on the German one was also organized in this church. Both Latvian and German parishioners began charitable work, created a school. Until 1887 the church council members, who ran church property were mostly ethnic Germans. At that time the Latvian parishioners were not rich and educated enough to be entrusted with this responsibility. Still in 1884 the Latvian theologian, folklorist and public figure Jan Sanders (1857—1951) was elected a pastor of Jesus Church, as there was not any German candidate. Since 1887, Latvians won the majority in the church council. In the late 1800s and the early 1900s church rooms were also used by different Latvian societies, as their members were also church. In 1908 there were more than 6000 Latvian parishioners. J. Sanders was a priest of the Latvian parish of Jesus Church until 1920 when he returned to Latvia. After the Bolshevik revolution the Church worked until 1938 with reference to “the requirements of the Latvian workers”. Two years later, the church building was destroyed.
Lutheran, Jesus Church in St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg Church of Jesus Latvian congregation, charity
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Additional sources and materials

  1. Bartele T., Shalda V. Latyshskie bezhentsy v Petrograde (1915—1920) // Rossiya i Baltiya. Vyp. 5: Vojny, revolyutsii i obschestvo. M., 2008. S. 81—112.
  2. Lyuteranskaya Tserkov' Svyatogo Mikhaila [Ehlektronnyj resurs]. URL: >>>
  3. Lyuteranskaya tserkov' Khrista Cpasitelya latyshskaya [Ehlektronnyj resurs]. URL: >>> (data obrascheniya: 17.06.2016).
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  5. Religii Sankt-Peterburga. Lyuteranstvo [Ehlektronnyj resurs]. URL: >>> (data obrascheniya: 17.06.2016).
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  8. Apskats iz latviešu dzīves // Latviešu Biedrības Sv. Pēterburgā žurnāls. 1909. g. 20. gada decembris. № 7.
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  13. F. R. Pēterburgā // Tas Latviešu Draugs. 1839 gada. 27 aprīlis. № 17.
  14. Geschichte der Petersburger Deutschen [Ehlektronnyj resurs]. URL: >>> (data obrascheniya: 04.06.2016).
  15. Jānis Sanders [Ehlektronnyj resurs]. URL: >>> (data obrascheniya: 25.06.2016).
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  33. Ziņas par latviešu draudzi Pēterburgā // Latviešu Avīzes. 1868 gada. 14 februāris. № 7.
  34. Ziņas par Pēterburgas Jēzus draudzi // Pēterburgas Avīzes. 1902 gada. 5 maijs. № 36.


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