The Modern History of the Russian-Norwegian Relations We Wrote Together (Joint Scientifically-Historical Projects of the Norwegian and Russian Historians. 1991—2015)
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The Modern History of the Russian-Norwegian Relations We Wrote Together (Joint Scientifically-Historical Projects of the Norwegian and Russian Historians. 1991—2015)
Title (other)
Современную историю российско-норвежских отношений мы писали вместе (совместные научно-исторические проекты российско-норвежских историков. 1991—2015)
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Andrey Repnevsky 
Affiliation: Northern (Arctic) Federal University
Address: Russian Federation, Arhangelsk
The article describes the process and progress of cooperation between Russian and Norwegian historians in the field of scientific researching of Russian-Norwegian relations and the subsequent joint publications. The author traces the beginning of this cooperation to the last decade of the twentieth century. He points to two centres in Russia and two in Norway, which have taken the lead in their joint projects. In Russia there are the Institute of World History at the Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow and the Pomor State University in Arkhangelsk. In Norway there are the Oslo Institute for Defence Studies and the University of Tromsø. These scientific and educational establishments have attracted many other organizations in the north of Russia and northern Norway to their joint research work. The method of working on international scientific publications is explained by means of a few typical examples. In the epilogue conclusions are drawn as to the necessary conditions for the successful implementation of joint projects
Russian-Norwegian collaboration, historical science, joint projects, scientific centers, publications, presentations, conferences, workshops
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Additional sources and materials

  1. Novaya i novejshaya istoriya. 2009. № 6.
  2. Ottar. Nauchno-populyarnyj zhurnal muzeya g. Tromsyo. 1992. № 192.
  3. Rossiya — Norvegiya: skvoz' veka i granitsy / sb. st. pod red. D. Byukhten, T. Dzhakson, J. P. Nil'sen. M., 2005.
  4. Rossiya i Norvegiya. Voprosy otechestvennogo istochnikovedeniya i istoriografii (XIX — XXI vv.) / otv. red. A. A. Komarov. Moskva, 2012.
  5. Sovetsko-norvezhskie otnosheniya. 1917—1955 / sb. dokumentov. M., 1997.
  6. Strakh i ozhidaniya. Rossiya i Norvegiya v KhKh v. / sb. st. pod red. V. I. Goldina i J. P. Nil'sena. Arkhangel'sk, 1997.
  7. “Terra incognita” Arktiki / red. V. F. Tolkachev. Arkhangel'sk,1996.
  8. Caution and Compliance. Norwegian-Russian Diplomatic Relations 1814—2014 / K. Myklebost & S. Bones (eds.). Orkana Akademisk, 2012.
  9. Naboer i frykt og forventning. Norge og Russland 1917—2014 / red. S. G. Holtsmark. Oslo, 2015.
  10. Norge og Sovjetunionen 1917—1955. En utenrikspolitisk dokumentasjon. Hovedredaktør Sven G. Holtsmark. Otta, 1995.



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