Was There a Russian-Norwegian Trade Treaty Concluded in 1024—1028?
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Was There a Russian-Norwegian Trade Treaty Concluded in 1024—1028?
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Был ли заключен в 1024—1028 гг. торговый мир между Норвегией и Новгородом?
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Elena Melnikova 
Affiliation: Institute of World History
Address: Moscow, Russian Federation
Already the oldest trade treaty between Novgorod, Gotland and German cities (1191/1192) preserves a mention of an “old peace treaty” which is confirmed by the present treaty. During the discussion of the time when this “peace” was concluded, A. L. Khoroshkevich suggested that it might have been the Jaroslav’s Pravda (The Law of Jaroslav the Wise, c. 1015). This assumption seems questionable, but some traces of a treaty probably concluded in the second half or the 1020s seems to be left in a story about the voyage of two Norwegians, Bjorn and Kalf, to Rus in 1033—1034. This story is preserved in the Magnúss saga góða ok Haralds harðráða which is included in Morkinskinna and Flateyarbók. According to the saga, after the death of Olaf Haraldsson there is no trade peace between Jaroslav the Wise and the nea, Danish, ruler of Norway Svein. The inhabitants of a trade city (Ladoga) threaten the Norwegians to rob their merchandise and to kill them. Their appeal to Jaroslav and the intervention of Magnus save Bjorn and Kalv and they return home having promised Jaroslav to help Magnis to regain the Norwegian throne. The terminology and the details of the narration lacking usual stereotypes point to the possibility that in the last years of Olaf’s rule (between 1024 and 1028) a trade treaty was concluded with Jaroslav the Wise.
Trade treaty, Jaroslav the Wise, Olaf Haraldsson
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Additional sources and materials

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