The Political Life of Norway and Swedish-Norwegian Conflict in Russian Diplomats Reports in 1890’s
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The Political Life of Norway and Swedish-Norwegian Conflict in Russian Diplomats Reports in 1890’s
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Lyudmila Sadova 
Affiliation: Institute of World History
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
In article examines the political life in Norway in 1890’s, the development and changes in structure and political platforms of the two leading Norwegian parties — «Venstre» and «Høyre» during the period of the Swedish-Norwegian union crisis based on the Russian diplomats reports to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Empire. In the first half of 1890’s the key issue in the struggle for the votes was the creation of its own Norwegian consulates and attempts to resolve it led to the threat of the war between Sweden and Norway in 1895. In the late 1890's and early 1900's a new factors, such as the economic crisis and the growing influence of the Labor party, сaused changes in the political climate of the country and the formation of a new force — «Samlingparti».
Norway, Sweden, Swedish-Norwegian union, political life, Russian diplomacy
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Additional sources and materials

  1. Istoriya Norvegii. Ot vikingov do nashikh dnej. M., 2003.
  2. Riste U. Istoriya vneshnej politiki Norvegii. M., 2003.
  3. Roginskij V. V. Bor'ba za Skandinaviyu. Mezhdunarodnye otnosheniya na severe Evropy v ehpokhu Napoleonovskikh vojn. M., 2012.
  4. Roginskij V. V. Mezhdunarodnye otnosheniya na severe Evropy v kontse napoleonovskikh vojn (1807—1815 gg). Dissertatsiya na soiskanie uch. stepeni d. i. n. M., 2002.
  5. Rudchenko O. Sovremennaya Norvegiya i stranichka iz ee istorii // Russkaya mysl'. 1908. S. 20.
  6. Sadova L. A. «Konsul'skij vopros» kak povod k rastorzheniyu shvedsko-norvezhskoj unii v 1905 g. // Skandinavskie chteniya 2005 g. SPb, 2005.
  7. Teplov V. Rastorzhenie shvedsko-norvezhskoj unii. SPb, 1905.
  8. Dahl O. Høyres historie. Oslo, 1984.
  9. Dall A. Die Norwegisch-Schwedische Union. Breslau, 1905.
  10. Danielsen R. Samlingspartiet og unionen // HT. 1962. Bd. 41.
  11. Derry T. K. A history of modern Norway. 1814—1972. Oxf. 1973.
  12. Drolsum A. C. Das königreich Norwegen als souveräner staat. Berlin, 1905.
  13. Eike Ø. “Et uklart produkt af frykt og politisk intrige”. De unionelle forhandlinger 1895—1898. Hovedoppgave. Oslo, 2001.
  14. Kaartvedt A. Unionen och fosterlændskhet // Dialog Norge-Sverige. Fra arvfiende til samboer. Stokholm, 1990.
  15. Sejersted F. Den svensk-norske unoins betydning for den økonomiske utvikling, spesielt i Norge // Dialog Norge-Sverige. Fra arvfiende til samboer. Stokholm, 1990.
  16. Terjesen B. Vi skiltes i fred: oppløsningen av den norsk-svenske unionen i 1905. Oslo, 2001.
  17. Wasberg G. Ch. Historien om 1814. Med dokumenter, sitater og bilder. Oslo, 1964.


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