National Scandinavian Studies/Nordistics in the Second Half of the 20th Century
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National Scandinavian Studies/Nordistics in the Second Half of the 20th Century
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Olga Tchernysheva 
Affiliation: Institute of World History
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Interest to the history and the social life of the Scandinavian countries is an old tradition for our country. In the offered article I mainly write about the matters that I personally proclaim or in many times to attend in. Scientific research of the Scandinavian countries agenda before the middle of 20th century were few, distinguish and thematically casual. But since 1956 in the Tartu university а “Scandinavian Collected Volume” started publishing under the editorship of William Vasilyevich Pokhlebkin, and this issue became the center of formation of the researchers on Scandinavian agenda. Several years before this, Alexander Sergeyevich Kahn who recently defended the thesis on medieval Swedish peasantry joined the Moscow State Lomonosov University History Department. Alexander Kahn like William Pokhlebkin was veteran of WWII. So, one can consider that the beginning of the 1950th was the starting point of the regular research of the Scandinavian history in our country. Publishing of the ‘Scandinavian Collected Volume’ prepared the soil for widening and deepening the cooperation of various profiles of the researchers in history and culture of the Scandinavian countries and promoted the First All-Union Conference of the Scandinavian researchers that took part in Tartu, Estonian SSR, in May 1963. This conference became the parade forces of national Scandinavian research. It stroke a balance of the developments in the first after-war period and let define the basic directions of the further researches. Then multiple partners could first time meet each other and got acquainted. The Conference program claimed sixty speakers who attend four sections on history, economy, language and literature. Total of 54 reports were discussed, among them five reports were discussed on plenary meetings. This Conference discussed several problems that rare or totally not discussed before. One of these problems became the periodization of the Scandinavian countries. The report on this problem was done by prominent historian Igor Pavlovich Shaskolsky from the city of Leningrad. Thereafter the All-Union Conference of the Scandinavian researchers became regular meeting that was conducted every two or three years in the cities where in due course centers of Scandinavian researches worked out. The complex scientific conferences deal a significant work in formation of research forces and education new generations of researchers and coordination of research and publishing of series collective monographs such as “History of Sweden” (Nauka, 1974), “History of Norway” (Nauka, 1980), “History of Denmark” (in two volumes) (Nauka, 1996 and 1998) and others, promoted the development of scientific relations with foreign colleagues that regularly took part in the Conferences since 1971. As the result of this cooperation thereafter appeared the new forms of relationships with the colleagues abroad concerning the regular bilateral symposiums.
Russian researches in Scandinavian studies/nordistics, Conference of the Scandinavian researchers, Russian Swedish historian symposiums, William Vasilyevich Pokhlebkin, Alexander Sergeyevich Kahn
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Additional sources and materials

  1. Vorozhejkin E. A. Sila i bezzaschitnost' talanta // Severnaya Evropa. Problemy istorii / otv. red. O. V. Chernysheva. M., 2007. № 6. S. 290—301.
  2. Komarov A. A. Istoriki Rossii i Shvetsii: nauchnye kontakty v techenie poslednikh desyatiletij // Severnaya Evropa. Problemy istorii. Vyp. 8 / otv. red. O. V. Chernysheva, A. A. Komarov. M., 2015. S. 42—51.
  3. Menger M. Izuchenie v GDR istorii Severnoj Evropy KhKh v. // Severnaya Evropa. Problemy novejshej istorii / otv. red. O. V. Chernysheva. M., 1988.
  4. Roginskij V. V. Nauchnoe sotrudnichestvo mezhdu istorikami SSSR i Shvetsii // Severnaya Evropa. Problemy novejshej istorii / otv. red. O. V. Chernysheva. M., 1988. S. 189—190.
  5. Rossiya i Shvetsiya: dokumenty i materialy, 1809—1818 gg. M., 1985.
  6. Uplandslag. Fragmenty. Khrestomatiya po istorii srednikh vekov. T. II. M., 1963. S. 571—579.
  7. Chernysheva O. V. Shvedy i russkie. Obraz soseda. M., 2004.
  8. Chernysheva O. V., Kudrina Yu. V. Izuchenie skandinavistiki v GDR // Novaya i novejshaya istoriya. M., 1974. № 4.
  9. Shil'dkhauehr I. Izuchenie v GDR istorii zony Baltijskogo morya // Skandinavskij sbornik. Vyp. 10. Tallin, 1965.
  10. Ehkonomicheskie svyazi mezhdu Rossiej i Shvetsiej v KhVII v. M.; Stokgol'm, 1978.
  11. La Suede et la Russie. Dokuments et materiaux 1809—1818. Uppsala — Stockholm, 1985.



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