Nordic Studies in Karelia — Results and Prospects
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Nordic Studies in Karelia — Results and Prospects
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Sergey Verigin 
Affiliation: Petrozavodsk State University
Address: Russian Federation, Petrozavodsk
Ilya Solometsh
Affiliation: Petrozavodsk State University
Address: Russian Federation, Petrozavodsk
Irina Takala
Affiliation: Petrozavodsk State University
Address: Russian Federation, Petrozavodsk
The article examines the history, state of the art and prospects of the Nordic studies in Petrozavodsk as one of the historically established research and educational centers in the field. The authors address the history of the formation of the scientific and pedagogical community, analyze the dynamics of interaction between Karelian researchers and their domestic and foreign partners. Scrutinizing formation and development of the traditions of teaching history, languages and cultures of Scandinavian countries and Finland in Petrozavodsk State University, the authors articulate their vision of the challenges that might adversely affect the prospects for the further development of the Nordic studies at the level of the regional center under current conditions.
Nordic studies, study programmes in the history of Nordic countries, Petrozavodsk State University
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  1. Al'manakh severoevropejskikh i baltijskikh issledovanij / Nordic and Baltic Studies Review [Ehlektronnyj resurs]. URL: >>>
  2. Grani sotrudnichestva: Rossiya i Severnaya Evropa. Russia and Northern Europe. Facets of cooperation. Sbornik nauchnykh statej / sost. i nauchn. red. I.R. Takala, I. M. Solomesch. Petrozavodsk: «Izd-vo PetrGU», 2012.
  3. Kan A. S. Sovetskaya i postsovetskaya istoricheskaya nordistika — pervye itogi // Severnaya Evropa: Problemy istorii. Vyp. 4. M., 2003. S. 5—36.
  4. Rossiya i strany Severnoj Evropy: fizicheskie i simvolicheskie granitsy. Russia and the Countries of Northern Europe: Physical and Symbolic Borders. Sbornik statej V Kirkenesskogo mezhdunarodnogo seminara istorikov / red. S. G. Verigin, A. A. Komarov, J. P. Nil'sen, M. N. Sulejm, V. V. Tevlina. Petrozavodsk: «Izd-vo PetrGU», 2016.
  5. Sajt Instituta yazyka, literatury i istorii. Karel'skogo nauchnogo tsentra. Mezhdistsiplinarnyj nauchno-obrazovatel'nyj tsentr severoevropejskikh issledovanij NORDICA [Ehlektronnyj resurs]. URL: >>>
  6. Sajt Petrozafodskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Mezhdistsiplinarnyj nauchno-obrazovatel'nyj tsentr pribaltijsko-finskikh issledovanij “Fennica” [Ehlektronnyj resurs]. URL: >>>
  7. Solomesch I. M. Nordistika kak komponent magisterskikh programm po istorii i mezhdunarodnym otnosheniyam // Universitety v obrazovatel'nom prostranstve regiona: opyt, traditsii i innovatsii. Materialy nauchn.-metodich. konf. Ch. II. Petrozavodsk, 2007. S. 119.
  8. Solomesch I. M. Severoevropejskaya problematika v spetsial'nykh kursakh dlya neistoricheskikh spetsial'nostej: iz opyta raboty kafedry istorii stran Severnoj Evropy // Universitety v obrazovatel'nom prostranstve regiona: opyt, traditsii i innovatsii. Materialy nauchn.-metod. konf. Petrozavodsk, 2010. S. 200—201.
  9. Takala I. R. I. I. Kyajvyaryajnen // Politicheskaya istoriya i istoriografiya: ot antichnosti do sovremennosti: Sbornik nauchnykh statej. Vyp. 3. Petrozavodsk, 2000. S. 7—11.
  10. Takala I. R. Akademicheskaya mobil'nost' studentov: rossijskaya spetsifika (iz opyta Kafedry istorii stran Severnoj Evropy PetrGU) // Universitety v obrazovatel'nom prostranstve regiona: opyt, traditsii i innovatsii. T. 2. Petrozavodsk, 2010. S. 215—220.
  11. Takala I. R. Prepodavanie i izuchenie istorii stran Severnoj Evropy v Petrozavodskom gosudarstvennom universitete // Severnaya Evropa: Problemy istorii. Vyp. 6. M., 2007. S. 359—370.
  12. Takala I. R. Spetsializatsiya po istorii stran Severnoj Evropy PetrGU: itogi i perspektivy // Grani sotrudnichestva: Rossiya i Severnaya Evropa. Russia and Northern Europe. Facets of cooperation: Sbornik nauchnykh statej. Petrozavodsk, 2012. S. 21—37.
  13. Takala I. R., Tolstikov A. V., Solomesch I. M. Istoriya stran Severnoj Evropy: Programma kursa i uchebno-metodicheskie materialy. 3-e izd., ispr. i dop. Petrozavodsk: «Izdatel'stvo PetrGU», 2013.
  14. Finlyandiya i Rossiya: obrazy obschego proshlogo = Finland and Russia: Images of the Shared Past. Sbornik nauchnykh statej / sost. i nauch. red. I. R. Takala, A. V. Tolstikov. Petrozavodsk: «Izd-vo PetrGU», 2014.
  15. North American Finns in Soviet Karelia in the 1930s / edited by Irina Takala and Ilya Solomeshch. Petrozavodsk: «Petrozavodsk State University Press», 2008.
  16. Paavonen T., Solomeshch I. A showpiece of university cooperation. Academic cooperation between the Department of Nordic history at the University of Petrozavodsk and the Departments of history at the Universities in Turku // Grani sotrudnichestva: Rossiya i Severnaya Evropa. Russia and Northern Europe. Facets of cooperation. Sbornik nauchnykh statej. Petrozavodsk, 2012. P. 43—50.



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