Scandinavian Countries on the Eve and in the First Years of the Second World War. In Search of a Safety Formula
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Scandinavian Countries on the Eve and in the First Years of the Second World War. In Search of a Safety Formula
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Evgenia Korunova 
Affiliation: Lomonosov Moscow State University
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
This article gives an analysis of the Scandinavian states` position before and during the first years of the Second World War. It describes different directions of the Scandinavian countries activities such as participation of the «ex-neutrals» in the League of Nations, providing regular foreign ministers conferences, discussing the new rules of the Declaration of neutrality and plans of Scandinavian defense union. The author also pays attention to the defense and security policy of each Scandinavian state and the collaboration of Sweden, Norway and Denmark with the great powers.
Scandinavian states, the League of Nations, neutrality, foreign ministers conferences, defense and security, Stockholm’s plan, Second World War, non-aggression pact, occupation of Denmark and Norway
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