The Paradigm of Russian Anarchic Extremism
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The Paradigm of Russian Anarchic Extremism
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The article analyzes the content and form of exercise anarchists in the revolutionary struggle of extremism. The conclusion of the social nature of the anarchist revolution justification, which was based on the assertion of the primacy of the greatest importance and social rather than political change society. Fighting as a form of social protest is reflected in the works of M. A. Bakunin, N. P. Ogarev, P. A. Kropotkin and others. The emphasis on social protest originally prevailed in the populist movement , in the course of the fight giving way to political forms of motion (propaganda, terrorism, political upheaval, and so on). In the early twentieth century, extreme forms of struggle, actively used by anarchists, have received wide and varied ideological justification that took shape in the form of a kind of doctrinal terrorism and gives reason to talk about a particular strategy anarchist extremism.
anarchism, M. A. Bakunin, extremism, narodnik movement, revolutionary terror, social revolution
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Additional sources and materials

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