Right-Wing Turn in Latin America: History and Contemporaneity
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Right-Wing Turn in Latin America: History and Contemporaneity
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Victor Jeifets 
Affiliation: Saint-Petersburg State University
Address: Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg
Lazar Jeifets
Affiliation: Saint-Petersburg State University
Address: Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

The article analyzes the domestic and international consequences of the right turn which is currently taking place in Latin America. The authors focus their attention on the evolution of Latin American right-wing conservative forces. Additionally, some new features in the development of the modern right-wing sector in the region and its similarities with European like-minded people are analyzed. An important part of the article is a research of the connection between the right turn in Latin America and the latest changes in US foreign policy as also the identification of coincidences and divergences between Latin American right and American politicians.

Right Turn, Right-Wing Radicals, Conservatism, International Relations, Mauricio Macri, Jair Bolsonaro, foreign policy
Источник финансирования
The article was prepared with support of the Russian Fund for Basic Research (RFFI) (project 19-014-00042, “Latin America and the New World Order”).
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